Saturday, November 5, 2011

My thoughts, you are welcome.

It occured to me that I have some things to say that, in my head, need to be placed on paper.
People are human.  We easily forget that.  
It comes with made up rules, religions, and common ground.  We all tend to flock toward those that believe the same way we do, laugh at the same things and grieve over the same things... on occassion. 

When someone makes a mistake, there are those who forgive even though they do not know how to.  We hold things inside until we are ready to explode and have no idea where it comes from. There are ghosts in our past and horrors that can fill the tallest buildings.  We all need our places to vent, release and turn the demons lose.  We need to learn how to forgive ourselves for whatever shortcomings society has placed on our doorstep.  It is never shameful to ask for help or to lend an ear but do so with heart and hope.

I have friends that are grieving the death of a marriage.  The impending outcome due to a loved one's battle with cancer. The child that has become ill with no hope of recovery.  We all have our challenges in life but how you handle the outcome makes all the difference in the world.  Fight a good fight and keep love in your eyes... always.  It is so easy to become bitter and angry.  There are some things in life that we never fully recover from but with time, the edges can become softer and easier to reflect on.  Find peace in those memories and embrace tomorrow.

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