Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday sucked eggs

I have no other way to describe today. I got errands ran, a manicure done but other than that, pfffft. I woke up with a migraine. Whine whine whine.
My family is going through a hard time but I have always believed we would stick together through thick or thin.  I have had to do some soul searching.  I realize how much I love my family and how much sacrifice people make & endure in the name of love. I have found my place in this world and it is a good feeling.  I hope the same for all of you.  If you are still searching, have heart. It will come if you continue searching.
Never give up or look back.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spread the Sunshine

Once in a blue moon, I get up in a bad mood.  Generally, it happens when something has disturbed my sleep.
I love to wake up to phone calls from friends and loved one's.  It starts my day off right.  I think the first foot on the floor should be firmly planted in a positive light.
If you ever catch me in a bad mood, remind me that my inner smile is not showing and I will try to dig it out.  No one wants to surround themselves with sick-with-giddy happiness, that gets tiring.  I just want to spread my personal sunshine around and make your life a better day!
Now go out there and conquer your day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Listening Is Not The Same As Hearing

I think once a day I just glaze over what I am being told or listening to either in conversation or on the tv/radio.  My mind is wandering elsewhere.  Usually dwelling on laundry I forgot in the washer, or trying to maneuver traffic in my mind. I do not want to confront the demons that sit right outside my door or across the table when I do not have the answer they seek.

How often do we listen to a friend telling their latest plight, only to just say "Uh-huh. Okay" ?
There are people protesting in cities but when I saw the last interview with the local organizer, he had no idea what their agenda was.  I sometimes feel the same. I am passionate about the fight but as far as exactly what we are fighting for or about, I haven't a clue.

I took on a job that I love only to have it modified and dictated to death. I have people who I desperately want to talk to about it, but I cannot.  I removed myself from the prime spot on the list to save a friendship and the friend doesn't have a clue of  the sacrifices I made.  That is my cross to bear.
 I just wish some people could stop long enough to listen and I hope I do a better job of doing the same.